Little Mrs. Goldfishtea wrote something on her blog that really has me thinking lately.
As busy moms we don't make time for ourselves....AT ALL!
She's suffering with headaches and her tooth.
Last year I wouldn't even go to the emergency room until my mom told me I had to!
(I soon found out I had a staph infection, was sick for 3 weeks!)
She said I had to take care of myself, make time for myself if not for myself for my kids.
I do feel like running is "Me" time.
But at times I feel like I'm just running away from real issues and have to take time to soak in a hot tub or drink a cup of tea without worrying.....I have to do this and can't forget to do that.
My brain is always in high gear.
Have to send money to E's school for this, volunteering for Z's book fair.
Oh! I have to help with this and that and be here and there.
And when I am at home I'm scrubbing, cleaning and folding.
I think this scenario is true for all stay at home and working moms alike.
I found this article , were not alone.
A supermodel....SUPERMODEL!
Lost herself in the stresses of life and baking cookies it seems.
She gained 25lbs because she never made time for herself.
We can all relate.
So here's a snippet.
Oh, its Kathy Ireland by the way.
By candidly talking about her 25-lb. weight gain, Ireland, 46, wants to send a message to all mothers that, yes, even a former supermodel deals with the battle of the bulge. "I was just not making enough time to take care of me," says the author of the new book "Real Solutions for Busy Moms."
Lets make time for ourselves!
That's sounds like a nice challenge for us.
How soon can we make time for ourselves and how will we spend it?
Can't say mine will happen anytime soon, but maybe it should.
As for her book I just might look into it.
Oh my goodness Liza, I just about cried when I read this! I have been so overwhelmed today with racing to O.C. to drop off the girls, stressing because I knew Juliet would be screaming her head off, stressing from the pain of my mouth and head, stressing off the news of my root canal and all the $$$$ that is going to cost (to see a freakin' specialist), I've eaten like crap today & I feel like crap today, went to Target & Walmart for party favor stuff....Uhhhh....Breath!
ReplyDeleteI would love to challenge myself to make time for myself. But when I picture myself away from the girls, I have this enormous feeling of guilt! Like they should be with me! Maybe we do need a mommy's night out therapy session!
I love this blog!
That does look like a book I might look into also.