Friday, April 24, 2009


Ran yesterday without socks.
I have no earthly idea and now a toe nail on each foot hurts!

English muffin-1
Scrambled Egg-2


2 Turkey Hot Dogs-5
10ct mini Ranch rice cakes-2

Homemade cupcake bite-4
Guessed on this, its homemade and WAY too rich for me, but not bad.
But felt really guilty eating eat...REALLY guilty.
Great to do with kids!!
Am going to go ahead and post it in my blog tomorrow.

Plus heading to a Kiddie Party in a bit...."Say No to birthday cake, Say NO to birthday cake!!!"
Must keep repeating......Noooo birthday cake!

I said "NO!" and it was made from scratch chocolate and looked mighty good too.
There was nothing I could eat so I ate some fresh grapes and water.
I'm mighty proud of myself.

Snack at Party:
10 grapes and water-1

Okay guys here's another place I did good!
Had a Scentsy meeting where they had TONS of desserts, pasta, caesar salad, garlic rolls, sodas, sweet tea and...RED WINE.
I did okay.
I looked up the ingredients after the girl who made the tortellini told me it was spinach tortellini and she used Ragu, fat free half and half and Parmesan cheese (she made it semi healthy since she's an aerobic instructor...lucky me!).
So I calculated the best I could.

1 sm garlic roll-3

Came home and fell asleep my day was full and I was exhausted!

Total points 28 points.
Not bad not bad at all for all The Food Satan threw my way.


  1. You go girl with your 4 miles yesterday! So why did you run without socks? Oh, John wants to know your pace. He's been doing 3.2 miles this week and is worried that e won't be able to keep up with you since he hasn't been doing any long runs.

  2. Liza, I have to tell you what my husband did last night on his way home from work (at midnight). Well, you know he has signed up for the triathlon in October. He has started planning his bike rides, swims, and runs. Well he's been debating on getting a road bike, but they cost like a grand. Anyways, I take the trash out this morning and notice there are two tires in the back of my truck. I didn't think much of it till he came into the kitchen this morning. He said, "Guess what I did last night on the way home. You can blame Liza about talking about dumpster diving....." Girl, he went to Richardson Bike Mart to look around their trash in hopes they just threw away a road bike frame that he could rebuild! OMG! Is that not trespassing??? Anyways, he did manage to find 3 nice bike pumps that he's gonna fix and either sell on craigslist or take back to the store for a credit. And he found him 2 bike tires. That was funny though, he said "you can blame Liza!".

  3. hey wanna volunteer with me on john's triathlon? we could mark hot sexy bods! LOL just kidding. i was thinking of serving water or food or something. what do you think?

  4. My speed is not good.
    I've never been fast.
    I run 2 miles in about 2o minutes and the other two in about 25-30 minutes. I will time them to make double sure, I quit timing along time ago.
    I FORGOT to put on the socks!
    I was fighting with the boys and put on my tennis shoes just like that.
    And when I was done with the treadmill and Nick came home I noticed I wasn't wearing any!
    But I was like TOO BAD! It was late and I wanted to get out the door before it got later.

    HEE HEE HEE Tell him to take me dumpster diving next time!! I love free stuff.
    No I don't think its trespassing at all, I think thats why now alot of stores have locks on their dumpsters, like some Target stores.

  5. you crack me you've checked the target dumpters??? Lordy, what am i gonna do with you guys!

  6. No I've never actually gone Dumpster diving.
    I have however picked through curb side garbage:). Thats how the boys got their full length mirror in their room, life jackets, the vintage radio flyer that holds my plants in the living room, thats about it I think.

  7. OH but my friend used to work at Target in Euless and he told me that they had locks on their dumpsters. Not sure if they all do though.

  8. Ya'll are funny. When I was like 10 or 12 me and my friend Nicole used to go dumpster diving for fun just because we werwe bored and their were like 4 dumpsters in our apartment complex.

  9. OH MY GOSH! I was always scared of those dumpsters!! Nick and I swear we saw a "Spider Racoon!" It jumped out at us and stuck to the sides of the wooden bin...we both screamed like girls.

  10. be strong! just say NO....

    You can do it!

  11. Good luck with avoiding the cake. You can do it girlie.

  12. YAY!!!!! You did great! Awesome will power!
