Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Greek Strawberry Yogurt

Turkey dog wrapped in a flour tortilla
100 Cal Pringles

Ckn Sandwhich (McDonalds)
1/2 sm fry
Strawberry sundae

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


hardboiled Egg...lightly salted

1c LaLa Pina Colada Smoothie

6 animal crackers

1 serving Shells and cheese
Diet soda

3 fresh strawberries halved
1/4 c Whipped topping


No work out can you tell??
Feeling Blah.

100 cal pringles

100 cal cupcake


Need to stop snacking.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Lala Pina Colada Smoothie
(Not feeling too great so not much of an appetite)

No lunch:

1/4c grilled ckn
slice turkey ham...grilled.
side salad of lettuce, tomato, light dressing topped with Feta.
Diet Soda

100 cal pringles

100 cal cupcake

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Off the face of the earth.

Well we fell right off the face of the earth.
I have quit blogging about my eating adventures and have a bit more junk in the trunk and how I wish it ended in the trunk but alas it has not.
I haven't stopped running I can at least say that.
Was back at 4 miles but decided to go back to 2 and instead added sprints to the end of my runs. So if you see me and I look like I'm walking bowl legged now you know why?

I have to get back on track, I can't allow all my sore legs from running to be in vain.
Girls, we have to get back on the saddle and lose our own saddles...saddle bags that is.

I had a hearty breakfast today.
I told myself maybe if I eat a good breakfast I won't over eat at lunch and dinner.
Ended up skipping lunch, had a normal portioned but not healthy dinner and threw in some dessert!
Sigh....that's going to hurt me when I run tomorrow.

Is anyone ready to go at this one more time?
I am so ready!!