Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 11


yummy parfait-228 calories

Has alot of calories but all that when in was good for ya...I hope.

1 cherry crush cup
1 strawberry
few banana slices (about 1/4 of a med .banana)
5 blueberries
1 Nature Valley Granola bar, crushed

I combined these and it was yummy.
ORIGINALLY I used Oikos Vanilla Organic Greek Yogurt but I took one bite and spit it out!
The yogurt just wasn't for me! I've had the Strawberry one and loved it! But WOW this was pretty bad.
Only thing I had left was the boys Yogurts...Cherry crush cups.
But it turned out okay so now I'm on a mission to find a good Vanilla yogurt!

Rare Treat!

Nick came home early with a hail car to work on in the garage. So we went to lunch.
I told him I had to try and eat drive thrus AND it was on me since my commission check came in.
We ended up at Burger Island.

Here's the damage.

Veggie Burger w/ American, pickles, onions, tomato and tons of lettuce. I only ate about half the bun but still this is my guesstimate. -470 Calories
Giant glass of water-0

I have to admit it was hard to say no to fries, especially there! To make matters worse they accidentally brought me fries and when I told them I didn't order any they said I could keep them for free. She must of seen the panic in my face and said only if I wanted them. I told her no because I know they have the best fries and I would of started with one and had the whole basket before I knew it. She took them back...phew that was a close one! I'm not that strong yet...not yet.
= 470 Calories

Snack while running errands

Pringles Baked Wheat Sticks, cheese flavor-90 Calories
Diet Soda-0 ( I needed to wake up!)


Again Turkey Tacos...meat too yummy to go to waste.

But I used corn tortillas, 1 oz of Gouda (yum!), and grilled up some green, yellow and orange bellpeppers with some onions, used 1/2 tbsp of olive oil.
Total for 2 tacos-320 Calories

These suckers are way yummy!


Lemon Square-58 Calories

Total so far....1166 Calories why "so far" because it's still early and I might have another lemon square.

Late Nights snackS!...yes Snacks

Baked wheat Sticks-90
Lemon Square-58

Total 1314 Calories


  1. Liza your food always looks so good. I am glad you guys take pics.

  2. Liza you are strong for sending them away, especially since they were free. Yeah LIZA!

  3. You did good!!!!!!!!
    I would have eaten them ALLLLLLLL!

    Your Parfait looks very a picture out of Martha's book. :)

    So what's for dinner?

  4. I wouldn't have been able to turn away free fries. You are really strong! I love the pictures you guys post. The food looks so I am feeling hungry!
