Fruit cup w/ yogurty type goodness.
Walked a mile w/ Nie, had to make it short I had the gas man coming over...I thought I smelled gas in the alley!
California rolls, I made them myself! I bought me a bag of sushi rice and even made my own sushi vinegar! Woo hoo!
Diet soda
Bean burrito
Diet Soda
Afterschool I came home and had a candy...ugh. It must be stress.
Tales of a yo-yo dieter who's trying to get it right, finally run more than 2 miles and get to that marathon goal!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Well this past weekend at our little cousin's birthday party they had this type of fruit salad thing.
I thought it was diced fresh fruit in a bath of yogurt. YUM! So I call my cousin to find out the name brand used. I loved it! I usually drink Mexican yogurts but there was something about this particular one used and I just couldn't put my finger on it. Well my cousin and I played phone tag and dinner was started, off to school I went and I figured I'll call later.
Mom call's me on my way to class and I tell her if she's ever had this yummy fruit thing.
She said Yup!
What kind of yogurt shall I use I asked her and then she said..."none"
Yeah it's not yogurt, but sweet condensed milk and sour cream, mixed up w/ some juice.
Well that doesn't sound too healthy..does it?
She told me since I had La Lechera (sweet cond.milk) in a squirt bottle I can make it healthier for myself so that's just what I did!
*A few tablespoon of La Lechera
*fat free sour cream (which was pretty tricky to find!)
*few TBSP of OJ
*chopped up fresh green apples, strawberries, grapes and pineapple.( This made a giant batch so I can feed off it for a few days.)
Mixed up the wet ingredients and tossed the fruit in as I chopped.
1 C fresh fruit salad yogurt type cup
On a different note my foot seems to be healing so I can presume walking and running. It was really bothering me for a while, here's to a healed heel!
Sea salt peanuts
Turkey dog in a wheat bun
few bites of fruit salad
Diet Soda
We had breakfast for dinner, I was at a dinner loss so this was quick and I was tired!
1 pancakes w/ a small smear of honey on each
scrambled egg (about 1/2 serving)
turkey sausage
Late night snack:
I was done w/ snacking but both Nick and I ate pretty light so we were both hungry.
small bowl of Special K, very filling.
I thought it was diced fresh fruit in a bath of yogurt. YUM! So I call my cousin to find out the name brand used. I loved it! I usually drink Mexican yogurts but there was something about this particular one used and I just couldn't put my finger on it. Well my cousin and I played phone tag and dinner was started, off to school I went and I figured I'll call later.
Mom call's me on my way to class and I tell her if she's ever had this yummy fruit thing.
She said Yup!
What kind of yogurt shall I use I asked her and then she said..."none"
Yeah it's not yogurt, but sweet condensed milk and sour cream, mixed up w/ some juice.
Well that doesn't sound too healthy..does it?
She told me since I had La Lechera (sweet cond.milk) in a squirt bottle I can make it healthier for myself so that's just what I did!
*A few tablespoon of La Lechera
*fat free sour cream (which was pretty tricky to find!)
*few TBSP of OJ
*chopped up fresh green apples, strawberries, grapes and pineapple.( This made a giant batch so I can feed off it for a few days.)
Mixed up the wet ingredients and tossed the fruit in as I chopped.
1 C fresh fruit salad yogurt type cup
On a different note my foot seems to be healing so I can presume walking and running. It was really bothering me for a while, here's to a healed heel!
Sea salt peanuts
Turkey dog in a wheat bun
few bites of fruit salad
Diet Soda
We had breakfast for dinner, I was at a dinner loss so this was quick and I was tired!
1 pancakes w/ a small smear of honey on each
scrambled egg (about 1/2 serving)
turkey sausage
Late night snack:
I was done w/ snacking but both Nick and I ate pretty light so we were both hungry.
small bowl of Special K, very filling.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday 9-28-10
YAY I had breakfast!
1/2 serving of chocolate Malt o meal
1 slice whole wheat toast w/ a tsp of the yummiest honey ever! It's spreadable, creamy, natural and brought to me straight from Europe! Thank you Amina. When it's gone I shall cry.
Made time for breakfast and didn't really have time for lunch!
Drank a yogurt on the road.
Really hungry nothing a banana and some nuts can't help with. mental images please!
Frito Pie...I know, I know Sooo not healthy. Only real unhealthy thing in this dish was well the Fritos.
Everything else I used was pretty okay
I used 98% fat free Turkey Chili
Brown Rice
And a touch of cheese
Reason I did the pie is because well For Nick.
He's been walking/jogging...not 1, not 2 but 4 miles 3 days a week!!! I'm SO proud of him and he requested this for dinner.
I agreed as long as it was my healthier version....he agreed.
YAY I had breakfast!
1/2 serving of chocolate Malt o meal
1 slice whole wheat toast w/ a tsp of the yummiest honey ever! It's spreadable, creamy, natural and brought to me straight from Europe! Thank you Amina. When it's gone I shall cry.
Made time for breakfast and didn't really have time for lunch!
Drank a yogurt on the road.
Really hungry nothing a banana and some nuts can't help with. mental images please!
Frito Pie...I know, I know Sooo not healthy. Only real unhealthy thing in this dish was well the Fritos.
Everything else I used was pretty okay
I used 98% fat free Turkey Chili
Brown Rice
And a touch of cheese
Reason I did the pie is because well For Nick.
He's been walking/jogging...not 1, not 2 but 4 miles 3 days a week!!! I'm SO proud of him and he requested this for dinner.
I agreed as long as it was my healthier version....he agreed.
Monday, September 27, 2010
MOnday 9-27-10
None, UGH! When am I going to get on a breakfast schedule? There's just never time or I just forget!
This weekend was lovely and though I wasn't a great eater I made A LOT of good choices when faced with bad ones!
We went to IHOP and I ordered a meal that was 400 calories, Egg substitute scrambled, 2 slices of turkey bacon, 2 buttermilk pancakes, coffee black w/ 1 splenda packet, water.
I didn't eat the eggs..just didn't feel like it, 1 1/4 pancakes which I ate basically dry maybe 1 tbs syrup, turkey bacon and my only indulgence was a hashbrown w/ ketchup...yummy!
I also had some cake at a birthday party, a turkey dog, pinto beans and a teeny tiny ice cream cone w/ about 1 whole TBSP of ice cream. I loved those cute little cones..thanks Tonya for bringing them!
I also had some dinner at another party I tasted the yummies but gave my self small portions, it was way good! And my heel is really messed up, not so much pain but a burning senstation so I am taking care of it by not running but I am walking...did 2 miles w/ my cousin and the kids yesterday...Day was gorgeous for such a walk!
Now what to have for lunch?????
Veggie Burger, veg patty, lettuce, tomatoe and avocado
Diet Soda
Hand full of peanuts in sea salt
Turkey dog...just the dog no bun ate it while I packed the kids for football.
Bean soup
Corn bread
Diet A&W
Everyone had Ice cream for dessert, I wanted some :( but I resisted!
None, UGH! When am I going to get on a breakfast schedule? There's just never time or I just forget!
This weekend was lovely and though I wasn't a great eater I made A LOT of good choices when faced with bad ones!
We went to IHOP and I ordered a meal that was 400 calories, Egg substitute scrambled, 2 slices of turkey bacon, 2 buttermilk pancakes, coffee black w/ 1 splenda packet, water.
I didn't eat the eggs..just didn't feel like it, 1 1/4 pancakes which I ate basically dry maybe 1 tbs syrup, turkey bacon and my only indulgence was a hashbrown w/ ketchup...yummy!
I also had some cake at a birthday party, a turkey dog, pinto beans and a teeny tiny ice cream cone w/ about 1 whole TBSP of ice cream. I loved those cute little cones..thanks Tonya for bringing them!
I also had some dinner at another party I tasted the yummies but gave my self small portions, it was way good! And my heel is really messed up, not so much pain but a burning senstation so I am taking care of it by not running but I am walking...did 2 miles w/ my cousin and the kids yesterday...Day was gorgeous for such a walk!
Now what to have for lunch?????
Veggie Burger, veg patty, lettuce, tomatoe and avocado
Diet Soda
Hand full of peanuts in sea salt
Turkey dog...just the dog no bun ate it while I packed the kids for football.
Bean soup
Corn bread
Diet A&W
Everyone had Ice cream for dessert, I wanted some :( but I resisted!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday 9-24-10
None...woke up baking and didn't stop until 5 o'clock!
A little over 1/2 a hotdog w/ relish,mustard on whole wheat bun
Cherry Coke Zero
Nit picked at cake shavings..yes shavings, what I carved off the cake to make it look like.... well like what I wanted it to!
Gonna go snack on something I'm peckish, and don't want to gorge on dinner.
SOOOOOoo tired.
Never got to that snack OR my run, which I think the run part was heel is not so good.
Had to eat on the run on our way to Dallas.
We stopped at McDonalds, had a Chicken sandwhich and diet soda.
I really love their SouthWest of my favorites, but I don't like eating in the dark...just not that coordinated.
None...woke up baking and didn't stop until 5 o'clock!
A little over 1/2 a hotdog w/ relish,mustard on whole wheat bun
Cherry Coke Zero
Nit picked at cake shavings..yes shavings, what I carved off the cake to make it look like.... well like what I wanted it to!
Gonna go snack on something I'm peckish, and don't want to gorge on dinner.
SOOOOOoo tired.
Never got to that snack OR my run, which I think the run part was heel is not so good.
Had to eat on the run on our way to Dallas.
We stopped at McDonalds, had a Chicken sandwhich and diet soda.
I really love their SouthWest of my favorites, but I don't like eating in the dark...just not that coordinated.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Thursday 9-23-10
Sushi rolls
Diet soda
2 bean burritos w/ fat free beans and lean turkey, lettuce, tomatoe and black olives
Spanish rice
Sushi rolls
Diet soda
2 bean burritos w/ fat free beans and lean turkey, lettuce, tomatoe and black olives
Spanish rice
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wed 9-22-10
Lunch w/ my hubby:
Roasted Chicken
Mash potato (1/2 serving)
Green beans
Tea...this was unsweetened with 1/4 of sweet tea. I was scared but it wasn't that bad! I'm not a fan of unsweetened things, especially teas they have an after taste that's too strong w/ out a sweetener...well for me anyway.
FOUND RUNNING SHOES! Can never go wrong w/ a pair of Asics!! Now to bump it up to 4 miles...wish me some luck!
Ran 4 miles!
2 w/ Nie
2 only me...hey that rhymes!
I forgot that breaking in running shoes isn't fun.
Have no shinsplints, my arches feel great, my heel perfect but my toes hurt a bit...oh I hope I didn't choose poorly...these stupid shoes weren't cheap!
4 Homemade Mini meat pockets. I'm not sure what they are called, Amina taught me to make them.
The filling was lean ground turkey, parsley,Red Onion, and fat free sour cream.
Diet Cherry DP
Bowl of fresh fruit, strawberries and grapes.
I also drank TONS of water through out the day.
Lunch w/ my hubby:
Roasted Chicken
Mash potato (1/2 serving)
Green beans
Tea...this was unsweetened with 1/4 of sweet tea. I was scared but it wasn't that bad! I'm not a fan of unsweetened things, especially teas they have an after taste that's too strong w/ out a sweetener...well for me anyway.
FOUND RUNNING SHOES! Can never go wrong w/ a pair of Asics!! Now to bump it up to 4 miles...wish me some luck!
Ran 4 miles!
2 w/ Nie
2 only me...hey that rhymes!
I forgot that breaking in running shoes isn't fun.
Have no shinsplints, my arches feel great, my heel perfect but my toes hurt a bit...oh I hope I didn't choose poorly...these stupid shoes weren't cheap!
4 Homemade Mini meat pockets. I'm not sure what they are called, Amina taught me to make them.
The filling was lean ground turkey, parsley,Red Onion, and fat free sour cream.
Diet Cherry DP
Bowl of fresh fruit, strawberries and grapes.
I also drank TONS of water through out the day.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tuesday 9-21-10
None...trying to fix my stupid computer!
Pasta w/ chicken this was a frozen meal thing. Not bad and calories were not horrific, I think it was by lean cuisine.
Diet Soda
Sea Salt Almonds
2 tostadas w/ light ground turkey, fat free beans, a bit of cheese, lettuce and tomatoe (wish I had omited the cheese.)
Diet soda
Small strawberry shake, shouldn't have but it's been forever since I've had one!
None...trying to fix my stupid computer!
Pasta w/ chicken this was a frozen meal thing. Not bad and calories were not horrific, I think it was by lean cuisine.
Diet Soda
Sea Salt Almonds
2 tostadas w/ light ground turkey, fat free beans, a bit of cheese, lettuce and tomatoe (wish I had omited the cheese.)
Diet soda
Small strawberry shake, shouldn't have but it's been forever since I've had one!
Monday, September 20, 2010
MOnday 9-20-10
1/4 Very Berry Bagel
Off to find new running shoes. Mine have seriously kicked the bucket! Took me 4 days to heal a bruised heal due to my old shoes :(.
Vegetable rolls, I love Sushi rolls and 8 pieces for less than 300 calories...not bad!
Coke Zero
Sml chicken breast baked in oven w/ Cream of chicken and seasonings
Brown rice w/ mixed in veggies
Red baked potato
Diet Soda
2 mile run, want to make it 4 but I seriously need new running shoes...didn't find any I liked today.
1/4 Very Berry Bagel
Off to find new running shoes. Mine have seriously kicked the bucket! Took me 4 days to heal a bruised heal due to my old shoes :(.
Vegetable rolls, I love Sushi rolls and 8 pieces for less than 300 calories...not bad!
Coke Zero
Sml chicken breast baked in oven w/ Cream of chicken and seasonings
Brown rice w/ mixed in veggies
Red baked potato
Diet Soda
2 mile run, want to make it 4 but I seriously need new running shoes...didn't find any I liked today.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Friday 9-17-10
Breakfast- None had to head out to help PTA make some popcorn!
Jason's Deli
Spinach Veggie wrap
Baked Chips
Diet cherry coke
Had Dinner at a friends house, we cooked together, she taught me how to cook a french dish!
French Empanada type pastry, filled w/ lean ground turkey, parsley, onion and curry.
OH MY GOODNESS! Died and went to heaven!
Veggie Kabob
Shrimp Kabob
Roasted peppers
Small Brownie square ala mode...topped w/ Frozen yogurt.
I'm so stuffed I need sleep...NOW!
Jason's Deli
Spinach Veggie wrap
Baked Chips
Diet cherry coke
Had Dinner at a friends house, we cooked together, she taught me how to cook a french dish!
French Empanada type pastry, filled w/ lean ground turkey, parsley, onion and curry.
OH MY GOODNESS! Died and went to heaven!
Veggie Kabob
Shrimp Kabob
Roasted peppers
Small Brownie square ala mode...topped w/ Frozen yogurt.
I'm so stuffed I need sleep...NOW!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Thursday 9-16-10
Exhausted! I'm so horribly tired! I drug myself out of bed today....twice.
I wonder why I'm so tired?
Orange Julius
1 scoop Vanilla Juice Plus
1 C OJ
1 C crushed Ice
This was okay, tasted a bit too chalky. :(
Veggie Noodle Soup
Diet Soda
Shrimp Scampi...lean Cuisine. I found these in the frozen food section. I bought a few different ones, great for quick meals afterschool. Better than fast food!
4 Melba toast crisps
Diet Soda
I wonder why I'm so tired?
Orange Julius
1 scoop Vanilla Juice Plus
1 C OJ
1 C crushed Ice
This was okay, tasted a bit too chalky. :(
Veggie Noodle Soup
Diet Soda
Shrimp Scampi...lean Cuisine. I found these in the frozen food section. I bought a few different ones, great for quick meals afterschool. Better than fast food!
4 Melba toast crisps
Diet Soda
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wednesday 9-15-10
Breakfast is the hardest meal for me. Honestly I wish I could do with out it. It's early, I have little ones to feed, lunches to make, two little heads of hair to tame. So stuffing something in my mouth is really that last thing I want to do.
BUT! yes there is a BUT.
If I don't eat breakfast I notice I'm prone to over eat, get super snacky and have two lunches!
So I pulled out my blender and decided HEY! I used to live off protein drinks in college and I felt fulfilled maybe I can do that every so often now.
This one came out pretty yummy and I had breakfast WHILE I folded about multitasking!
(Excuse my sad looking strawberry, had to use it before it goes bad.)
For this breakfast goody I used Soy Juice Plus which I've had a in my pantry a little too long! But it hasn't expired so that's a good thing.
1 Scoop Juice Plus, vanilla flavor
1 c soy milk
1c crushed ice
1 banana
Tiny touch of vanilla
Blend, blend, BLEND!
This was a yummy little drink but I think I could tweak it a bit more.
Next I wonder what I should try? Orange julius? Hmmmmmm.
Wonderfully FREE!
Nick and I got coupons for a free Rooty Tooy Fresh and Fruity meal from IHOP.
Since they were about to expire we HAD to use them!
This is my first meal where I've eaten any animal in over a month!
1 egg
1/2 hashbrown
1 pancake (scraped off fruit and topping) no syrup
2 slices of turkey bacon
I ate to fell good didn't feel overly stuffed and I didn't deprive myself. Now don't get me wrong I wanted to scarf all those strawberries, whipped topping, gobble down some fried eggs and top it off w/ a coke.
But I didn't and this meal was OH SO GOOD! Better than ever...maybe because it was free!
I want to see if I can mostly stick to a veggie life style w/ an occasional indulgence.
I read so many blogs of women who eat healthy and allow EVERYTHING in their diet, but in moderation. Even an occasional indulgence.
Though I don't think I'll do EVERYTHING, I haven't eaten red meat or pork since 97 and I'm not starting now!
Lovely leftovers.
Khobe bread filled w/ beans, mashed avocado, lettuce and tomato.
Spanish rice
Diet soda
Ran 2 miles w/ Nie
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Tuesday...Test Day I hope I don't eat out of nerves!
Have an exam today and I'm MUY nervous!
I hate tests!!
I hope I don't start eating out of nerves...I've noticed I do that at times.
Tostada w/ beans, lettuce, tomato and Avocado
Spanish rice
Diet Soda
nit picked at some popcorn
Z bit into a little peanut mexican candy and did not like it!
It's only the size of about a quarter BUT it's mom bought that box for me so yeah I ate it.
Was it really worth the 100 calories?
Sigh...yes, yes it was.
Had to be quick and easy!
Morning Star "Chicken" nuggets (5)
Oven Tots
Diet Soda
I hate tests!!
I hope I don't start eating out of nerves...I've noticed I do that at times.
Tostada w/ beans, lettuce, tomato and Avocado
Spanish rice
Diet Soda
nit picked at some popcorn
Z bit into a little peanut mexican candy and did not like it!
It's only the size of about a quarter BUT it's mom bought that box for me so yeah I ate it.
Was it really worth the 100 calories?
Sigh...yes, yes it was.
Had to be quick and easy!
Morning Star "Chicken" nuggets (5)
Oven Tots
Diet Soda
Monday, September 13, 2010
Monday 9-13-2010 I am in love with Khobez.......
Khobez is a mediterranian bread that is oh so good!
I've been eating mine sparingly to make it last as long as it possibly can! I think I will have some w/ my lunch today...yes, yes I will.
(Tried posting a picture but Blogspot has been less than desirable as of lately when it comes to up loading photos...I think it's time to move to a new blog.)
1/4 piece of Khobez bread (about the size of 1/2 a pita pocket)
Filled w/ mashed avocado and topped w/ left over Grilled veggies from last night.
3 TBS of Hummus for dipping
Side salad w/ mixed greens and cucumber topped w/ lite Raspberry vinegrette
Diet soda
Okay so it let me put up the pic of my favorite bread.
Yea looks a lot like a tortilla, but tastes totally different!
I've been eating mine sparingly to make it last as long as it possibly can! I think I will have some w/ my lunch today...yes, yes I will.
(Tried posting a picture but Blogspot has been less than desirable as of lately when it comes to up loading photos...I think it's time to move to a new blog.)
1/4 piece of Khobez bread (about the size of 1/2 a pita pocket)
Filled w/ mashed avocado and topped w/ left over Grilled veggies from last night.
3 TBS of Hummus for dipping
Side salad w/ mixed greens and cucumber topped w/ lite Raspberry vinegrette
Diet soda
Okay so it let me put up the pic of my favorite bread.
Yea looks a lot like a tortilla, but tastes totally different!
Snack: Had a cranberry slush we celebrated for Z's spelling grades!
Dinner-2 bean tostadas w/ lettuce, tomato and Avocado slices
Spanish rice...I had a little too much of this :(
Diet soda
Late night snack:
Popcorn and piece of baklava
I need to say goodbye to late night snacks....Goodbye.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday 9-12-10
Yes we've been enjoying this weekend a bit too much! Again woke up super late we all surpassed breakfast.
Salad w/ mixed greens, tomato, and avocado all tossed in a bit of Raspberry vinegrette.
Side of Hummus and Piece of Khobe bread.
Diet soda
2 chimichangas w/ Whole wheat carb balance tortillas
1 filled w/ grilled veggies and brown rice
1 filled w/ "Meat" (Morning Star soy crumbles) and veg refried beans
on the side
2 Tbs Brown rice
@2Tbs Veg beans
Diet Soda
Sm square (about quarter palm size) of Arabic dessert...or maybe it's french who cares it was yummy!
Yes we've been enjoying this weekend a bit too much! Again woke up super late we all surpassed breakfast.
Salad w/ mixed greens, tomato, and avocado all tossed in a bit of Raspberry vinegrette.
Side of Hummus and Piece of Khobe bread.
Diet soda
2 chimichangas w/ Whole wheat carb balance tortillas
1 filled w/ grilled veggies and brown rice
1 filled w/ "Meat" (Morning Star soy crumbles) and veg refried beans
on the side
2 Tbs Brown rice
@2Tbs Veg beans
Diet Soda
Sm square (about quarter palm size) of Arabic dessert...or maybe it's french who cares it was yummy!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Saturday 9-11-10
I'm trying to get this food consumption thing right. But alas it's tough!
Am I that weak?
Is there just too much temptation?
Who knows, I'll get it one day...I'll do this right, when who knows but I think I will...or DIE trying!
none, me and my crew slept well past breakfast....GOTTA LOVE THE WEEKENDS!
We grilled us some burgers!
Veggie Burger w/ grilled veggies on top!
Fresh corn on the cob w/ Earth Balance butter, salt and pepper
Cherry coke zero
Lebanese bread warm and fresh from the bakery...Sooo yummy!
1/2 Lebanese Bread (can't remember what it's called..kind of like a pita) Filled w/ grilled
Eggplant slices, onion, 3 kinds of bellpeppers, and mushrooms, also brown rice and parsley.
On the side some hummus. This meal was Fantastic! Thank you Amina for taking me to those wonderful grocery stores!
Cherry coke Zero
Small Pastry from the Bakery Amina took me to. Now I know why they are so petite in other countries! Their pastry servings are so small, but you eat it slowly and enjoy all the wonderful flavors and that's all you need...a small piece.
Late night snack:
Mamoul, tiny date cookie size of a nickel. I couldn't help it I found so much yumminess while out w/ Amina!
Am I that weak?
Is there just too much temptation?
Who knows, I'll get it one day...I'll do this right, when who knows but I think I will...or DIE trying!
none, me and my crew slept well past breakfast....GOTTA LOVE THE WEEKENDS!
We grilled us some burgers!
Veggie Burger w/ grilled veggies on top!
Fresh corn on the cob w/ Earth Balance butter, salt and pepper
Cherry coke zero
Lebanese bread warm and fresh from the bakery...Sooo yummy!
1/2 Lebanese Bread (can't remember what it's called..kind of like a pita) Filled w/ grilled
Eggplant slices, onion, 3 kinds of bellpeppers, and mushrooms, also brown rice and parsley.
On the side some hummus. This meal was Fantastic! Thank you Amina for taking me to those wonderful grocery stores!
Cherry coke Zero
Small Pastry from the Bakery Amina took me to. Now I know why they are so petite in other countries! Their pastry servings are so small, but you eat it slowly and enjoy all the wonderful flavors and that's all you need...a small piece.
Late night snack:
Mamoul, tiny date cookie size of a nickel. I couldn't help it I found so much yumminess while out w/ Amina!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday 9-10-10
Scramble made up of
shredded potatos, bellpeppers, onion, garlic and mushrooms.
OJ...starting to drink the oj for more vitamin c
Left over Pasta Primavera but I tossed in some marinated Artichokes.
Diet soda
Nick took the boys to McD's afterschool and brought me some french fries....yay and boo at the same time.
Big tossed salad w/ light vinegrette
Sm slice of cheese pizza
Dp....there were no diet drinks and I wanted a soda :(
Scramble made up of
shredded potatos, bellpeppers, onion, garlic and mushrooms.
OJ...starting to drink the oj for more vitamin c
Left over Pasta Primavera but I tossed in some marinated Artichokes.
Diet soda
Nick took the boys to McD's afterschool and brought me some french fries....yay and boo at the same time.
Big tossed salad w/ light vinegrette
Sm slice of cheese pizza
Dp....there were no diet drinks and I wanted a soda :(
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Thursday 9/9/10
PopWoke up feeling BLAH, my sinuses are really bringing me down.
Not to mention I haven't run in a few days, weather has been rainy and last time I ran I did my run super fast and started cramping when I got close to the house.
My leg's hurt since and I don't risk running when I feel pain.
BUT Nie and I took a lovely walk yesterday and it started to rain on us....yay.
none, had no appetite just had a cup of hot mint green tea...worked on my sinuses :).
Guacamole veggie burger..these are just so easy to make.
Sweet potato oven fries
Bowtie pasta w/ grilled veggies...yummy!
Diet Soda
popcorn and diet soda...I always come home from school w/ munchies!
Not to mention I haven't run in a few days, weather has been rainy and last time I ran I did my run super fast and started cramping when I got close to the house.
My leg's hurt since and I don't risk running when I feel pain.
BUT Nie and I took a lovely walk yesterday and it started to rain on us....yay.
none, had no appetite just had a cup of hot mint green tea...worked on my sinuses :).
Guacamole veggie burger..these are just so easy to make.
Sweet potato oven fries
Bowtie pasta w/ grilled veggies...yummy!
Diet Soda
popcorn and diet soda...I always come home from school w/ munchies!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wed 9/8/10
French toast...made w/ banana puree and soy milk.
This could use some tweeking, but was good.
Hashbrown w/ ketchup
Guacamole veggie burger...YUM!
Sweet potato fries
Hansens sparking tangerine green tea
Vegan Mac/Cheese
Coke...I felt like a rebel today.
Super snacky!
Watched a movie w/ my three boys...we all shared some popcorn.
It's late I wanted something sweet..took a nibble of a peanut butter cup..yeah gross.
Then I made half a pb& j..that was gross too, so I ate some pretzel sticks...eeehh they were okay.
Ended the night w/ a hot cup of green mint tea (fresh mint from my garden)...I feel congested and this opened up my sinuses...for now.
*** I think my Vegan time is coming to an end. I'm almost all out of my vegan products and I'm thinking...did I lose tons of weight? NO
Did I notice a difference in myself? Yes
If so how? My complexion wants to clear up, my running is better, my belly less bloated
Were you planning a forever life change? No, I don't eat red meat or pork isn't that enough?
My goal was to see what I would notice after 30 days, I extended that because well I still had al ot of Toffu goodness and couldn't let it go to waste!
What I plan to do?
Try and keep my dairy to a minimum, cheese will be used sparingly, I will continue my water intake, Keep up w/ my running, and keep eating them veggies! I guess you could say I'll be a par-time veg head!***
I will continue to experiment w/ healthy creations...hey it's pretty fun!
French toast...made w/ banana puree and soy milk.
This could use some tweeking, but was good.
Hashbrown w/ ketchup
Guacamole veggie burger...YUM!
Sweet potato fries
Hansens sparking tangerine green tea
Vegan Mac/Cheese
Coke...I felt like a rebel today.
Super snacky!
Watched a movie w/ my three boys...we all shared some popcorn.
It's late I wanted something sweet..took a nibble of a peanut butter cup..yeah gross.
Then I made half a pb& j..that was gross too, so I ate some pretzel sticks...eeehh they were okay.
Ended the night w/ a hot cup of green mint tea (fresh mint from my garden)...I feel congested and this opened up my sinuses...for now.
*** I think my Vegan time is coming to an end. I'm almost all out of my vegan products and I'm thinking...did I lose tons of weight? NO
Did I notice a difference in myself? Yes
If so how? My complexion wants to clear up, my running is better, my belly less bloated
Were you planning a forever life change? No, I don't eat red meat or pork isn't that enough?
My goal was to see what I would notice after 30 days, I extended that because well I still had al ot of Toffu goodness and couldn't let it go to waste!
What I plan to do?
Try and keep my dairy to a minimum, cheese will be used sparingly, I will continue my water intake, Keep up w/ my running, and keep eating them veggies! I guess you could say I'll be a par-time veg head!***
I will continue to experiment w/ healthy creations...hey it's pretty fun!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Tuesday 9/7/10
1/2 very berry bagel w/ Toffuti cream cheese
Ciabatta sammy w/ avocado, lettuce and tomato
Veg.baked beans
diet soda
Pigged out!
Had some Wheat puffed chips...Chile con Limon
About two handfuls of cracker jacks
Grape soda
Oh boy.
Most likely on run is PRETTY bad.
Spaghetti w/ a slice of garlic bread (used Earth balance butter)
diet soda
Late night snack:
Why have I been so horribly snacky?
french fries and some more Wheat puffed spicey chips!
1/2 very berry bagel w/ Toffuti cream cheese
Ciabatta sammy w/ avocado, lettuce and tomato
Veg.baked beans
diet soda
Pigged out!
Had some Wheat puffed chips...Chile con Limon
About two handfuls of cracker jacks
Grape soda
Oh boy.
Most likely on run is PRETTY bad.
Spaghetti w/ a slice of garlic bread (used Earth balance butter)
diet soda
Late night snack:
Why have I been so horribly snacky?
french fries and some more Wheat puffed spicey chips!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day!
Weekend was wonderful! Though my diet was not here's to a new week!
Shredded potato's w/ ketchup
1/2 Very Berry Bagel
dollop of Toffuti cream cheese
Diet soda
Veggie Plate...spinach, mashed potato, squash, white rice, salad
Soy Mocha Frappuccino...shared w/ Nick.
Pulled weeds, cleaned up flower beds.
We grilled burgers, Veggie burger for me, Vegetarian Baked Beans, Tabbouleh and diet drink.
Ran 2.0 miles w/ Nie
Late night snack:
Diet Coke w/ real maraschino cherries....yum!
Shredded potato's w/ ketchup
1/2 Very Berry Bagel
dollop of Toffuti cream cheese
Diet soda
Veggie Plate...spinach, mashed potato, squash, white rice, salad
Soy Mocha Frappuccino...shared w/ Nick.
Pulled weeds, cleaned up flower beds.
We grilled burgers, Veggie burger for me, Vegetarian Baked Beans, Tabbouleh and diet drink.
Ran 2.0 miles w/ Nie
Late night snack:
Diet Coke w/ real maraschino cherries....yum!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Saturday...Guess who took another trip around the sun!?
Well Mid 20's aren't so bad right?
If I was in my mid 20's!
Okay my first consumption of cheese.....No problems but my belly is making noises is that bad?
1/4 slice of Chibatta sandwich w/ veggies.
2 slices of cheese pizza
Slice of cake
Hey! It's my birthday!
If I was in my mid 20's!
Okay my first consumption of cheese.....No problems but my belly is making noises is that bad?
1/4 slice of Chibatta sandwich w/ veggies.
2 slices of cheese pizza
Slice of cake
Hey! It's my birthday!
Friday, September 3, 2010
snacked on some popcorn up at the school. I helped w/ the Friday Popcorn sale...I popped that corn from 8:30-1:30 UGH!
Portabella mushroom in a burger, not too bad of course I topped this w/ avocado..luv it!
Diet soda....need me some caffeine!
Bean burrito
Nice 6:30 run!
snacked on some popcorn up at the school. I helped w/ the Friday Popcorn sale...I popped that corn from 8:30-1:30 UGH!
Portabella mushroom in a burger, not too bad of course I topped this w/ avocado..luv it!
Diet soda....need me some caffeine!
Bean burrito
Nice 6:30 run!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Thursday...I'm sore.
Well Soreness finally crept up on heel hurts a bit, I think it's time for new running shoes.
Hope tonights isn't rainy...or humid!
Veggie burger
shared a few of Nick's fries
Ice Water
Diet soda..I needed me a caffeine fix
Pasta w/ Marinara sauce and Artichokes
2 slices of garlic bread
Veggie chips
Diet cherry soda
** Was going to run tonight but I forgot I had classs and didn't get home til past 10...I guess I could of gone but 9:00 is usually the latest I try to take off so tomorrow it is!****
Hope tonights isn't rainy...or humid!
Veggie burger
shared a few of Nick's fries
Ice Water
Diet soda..I needed me a caffeine fix
Pasta w/ Marinara sauce and Artichokes
2 slices of garlic bread
Veggie chips
Diet cherry soda
** Was going to run tonight but I forgot I had classs and didn't get home til past 10...I guess I could of gone but 9:00 is usually the latest I try to take off so tomorrow it is!****
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sept.1st. Fall weather is around the corner!!
Fall weather is the best weather to run in...I love it!
Now that I have a sweet little partner to run with..even better!
Glass of water
I'm really trying to up my water consumption...I'm doing pretty good now if I good lay off the junk food I would be doing GREAT!
Veggie stick chips from Sprouts...never go there hungry :(
I believe they call these California rolls.
SOOOoo yummy!
While at Sprouts and Starving! I thought buy myself a salad and a drink or this sushi kit for 3 bucks??? I went w/ the kit.
Comes w/ Nori wraps, rice and soy sauce.
I had some lovely avocados at home and voila!
I even have enough wraps so I can have some for dinner. :P

I've been rather snacky today....
Nick had lunch I had already eaten my lovely Avocado rolls so I kept him company w/ a tall glass of water and 2 sopapillas...I wasn't too crazy about these sopapillas :(
Mini package of fruit snacks.
More California rolls
Diet Soda
Late night snack:
MOre veggie chips..cotton pickin' addicting!
*** NO run, thunder was something awful I know Nina would of totally freaked out and I didn't want to get caught in rain.***
Now that I have a sweet little partner to run with..even better!
Glass of water
I'm really trying to up my water consumption...I'm doing pretty good now if I good lay off the junk food I would be doing GREAT!
Veggie stick chips from Sprouts...never go there hungry :(
I believe they call these California rolls.
SOOOoo yummy!
While at Sprouts and Starving! I thought buy myself a salad and a drink or this sushi kit for 3 bucks??? I went w/ the kit.
Comes w/ Nori wraps, rice and soy sauce.
I had some lovely avocados at home and voila!
I even have enough wraps so I can have some for dinner. :P

I've been rather snacky today....
Nick had lunch I had already eaten my lovely Avocado rolls so I kept him company w/ a tall glass of water and 2 sopapillas...I wasn't too crazy about these sopapillas :(
Mini package of fruit snacks.
More California rolls
Diet Soda
Late night snack:
MOre veggie chips..cotton pickin' addicting!
*** NO run, thunder was something awful I know Nina would of totally freaked out and I didn't want to get caught in rain.***
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