Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sept.1st. Fall weather is around the corner!!

Fall weather is the best weather to run in...I love it!
Now that I have a sweet little partner to run with..even better!

Glass of water

I'm really trying to up my water consumption...I'm doing pretty good now if I good lay off the junk food I would be doing GREAT!

Veggie stick chips from Sprouts...never go there hungry :(

I believe they call these California rolls.
SOOOoo yummy!
While at Sprouts and Starving! I thought buy myself a salad and a drink or this sushi kit for 3 bucks??? I went w/ the kit.
Comes w/ Nori wraps, rice and soy sauce.
I had some lovely avocados at home and voila!
I even have enough wraps so I can have some for dinner. :P


I've been rather snacky today....
Nick had lunch I had already eaten my lovely Avocado rolls so I kept him company w/ a tall glass of water and 2 sopapillas...I wasn't too crazy about these sopapillas :(

Mini package of fruit snacks.

More California rolls
Diet Soda

Late night snack:
MOre veggie chips..cotton pickin' addicting!
*** NO run, thunder was something awful I know Nina would of totally freaked out and I didn't want to get caught in rain.***

1 comment:

  1. I love Sprouts! It's become our 2nd home! We are always up there picking up something.
