Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Well this past weekend at our little cousin's birthday party they had this type of fruit salad thing.
I thought it was diced fresh fruit in a bath of yogurt. YUM! So I call my cousin to find out the name brand used. I loved it! I usually drink Mexican yogurts but there was something about this particular one used and I just couldn't put my finger on it. Well my cousin and I played phone tag and dinner was started, off to school I went and I figured I'll call later.
Mom call's me on my way to class and I tell her if she's ever had this yummy fruit thing.
She said Yup!
What kind of yogurt shall I use I asked her and then she said..."none"
Yeah it's not yogurt, but sweet condensed milk and sour cream, mixed up w/ some juice.
Well that doesn't sound too healthy..does it?
She told me since I had La Lechera (sweet cond.milk) in a squirt bottle I can make it healthier for myself so that's just what I did!

*A few tablespoon of La Lechera
*fat free sour cream (which was pretty tricky to find!)
*few TBSP of OJ
*chopped up fresh green apples, strawberries, grapes and pineapple.( This made a giant batch so I can feed off it for a few days.)
Mixed up the wet ingredients and tossed the fruit in as I chopped.

1 C fresh fruit salad yogurt type cup

On a different note my foot seems to be healing so I can presume walking and running. It was really bothering me for a while, here's to a healed heel!

Sea salt peanuts

Turkey dog in a wheat bun
few bites of fruit salad
Diet Soda

We had breakfast for dinner, I was at a dinner loss so this was quick and I was tired!
1 pancakes w/ a small smear of honey on each
scrambled egg (about 1/2 serving)
turkey sausage

Late night snack:
I was done w/ snacking but both Nick and I ate pretty light so we were both hungry.
small bowl of Special K, very filling.

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