Thursday, May 14, 2009


Ran 2.0 miles first thing this morning on the dreaded treadmill, hope to do the other 2.0 this evening.


Juice Plus Mocha Shake:-4

Luncheon as a thank you for the school volunteers, they served us Chick fil A
4 nuggets-3
fruit cup-2
1 TbSp Caramel dip-1
1/4 of a slice of cake, seriously I only ate a piece about 1x1 inches I gave E the rest, don't know the points but am giving myself alot of points-5

Med Apple-2
1 TBSP La lechera-1

2 Homemade Chilada (Think Taco Bell)-10
Diet SOday-0

Swiss Roll-3

Total points:34 points ugh went over 8 points :(


  1. I forgot that I own a treadmill! ha. It's hidden underneath all Jesse's clothes! I need to see how far I can run without hills.
    Where'd you get the mocha shake? I've been wanting to try out the McDonald's mocha drink (hot one) but I hear it's really strong.

    I sent you a message on myspace. It's a Speech Therapy Drama message.

  2. I made the shake myself. One of the moms up at the school sells this stuff called Juice-Plus.
    I bought the chocolate one, its pretty good and LOW on calories, high in vitamins. It comes with a recipe flyer to make different kinds of things.It asked for skim milk, tsp honey, tsp instant coffee, dash vanilla and scoop of Juice-plus, I added ice on my own and it was YUMMY!
